
Artificial intelligence is one of the most rapidly growing areas of technology in recent history. The ever-changing issues arising around AI can cause concern for your company whether you are using AI tools or developing them. Our comprehensive team of attorneys are at the forefront of these issues as they evolve and can help your business stay ahead of these rapidly emerging developments.

Taking a multi-disciplinary approach to providing counsel, Bond attorneys from across the firm are ready to assist in prevention and mitigation of risk, advising on legal implications presented by these influential tools, and how to optimize selection, implementation and use of AI technology while protecting your business and securing its data. Whether it is data privacy, cybersecurity, intellectual property, recruiting and retention of talent, or a regulatory issue, our team’s extensive experience can help guide you.

The team consists of members from the below practices:

  • Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
  • Intellectual Property
  • Labor and Employment
  • Litigation
  • Business and Transactions
  • Government and Regulatory Affairs