Louis P. DiLorenzo To Present Labor And Employment Law Webinar On August 9th
August 1, 2011
Is the NLRB Trying to Change the Rules through the Boeing Unfair Labor Practice Case?
The NLRB has issued an unfair labor practice complaint against the Boeing Corporation. Boeing, which has experienced a number of strikes at one of its plants, decided to build another plant in the South, in part, to have an alternative supply source in the event of future work stoppages. No jobs were transferred or lost due the construction of the second plant. The new NLRB is prosecuting Boeing under a theory of retaliation against the employees for exercising their right to strike and bargain collectively. Employers often develop alternate sources of supply in order to operate and survive a possible work stoppage. Often, the development of the alternate source of supply creates bargaining leverage for the employer and avoids the need for a strike or lockout.
Louis DiLorenzo, the Chair of Bond, Schoeneck & King's Labor and Employment and Employee Benefits Practice Group, analyzes the issues presented by the facts of the Boeing case under current Board law, what the Boeing decision will mean if Boeing is found guilty, and the reasons the NLRB is pushing this theory.
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