John Bagyi to Present at Mid-Hudson Human Resources Association Meeting
May 10, 2017
By: John M. Bagyi
How to Legally and Effectively Conduct Workplace Investigations
Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel
40 Civic Center Plaza
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601
8 - 8:30 a.m.: Registration
8:30 - 9 a.m.: Breakfast
9 - 10 a.m.: Program
In today’s workplace, investigations into workplace harassment, theft and other forms of employee misconduct are commonplace. Handled correctly, a workplace investigation can limit or even eliminate an employer’s legal liability. Yet, all too often, workplace investigations are inadequate or ineffective.
This presentation will provide a crash course in how to effectively and legally conduct workplace investigations by addressing difficult issues, including where to start an investigation, who should be interviewed, how to handle a difficult witness, and the rights of employees during investigatory interviews.
Price: $25 Members / $35 NonMembers