George McGuire to Co-Present at the National Council of University Research Administrators Spring Meeting
May 3, 2014
NCURA Region II/III Spring Meeting
May 3-7, 2014
TradeWinds Resort, St. Pete Beach, Florida
Sunday, May 4, 2014 | Full-Day Workshops | 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
WS4: Intellectual Property Management and Negotiating Strategies for Research Administrators
Content Level: Intermediate Track
Post-Award Universities are seen as the economic development engines for their respective state and local economies and are expected to be the source of new technology for the industries of tomorrow. More often than not, intellectual property is at the root of most new technology-based industries. Research administrators are expected to negotiate agreements and manage IP in support of these economic development activities. Often, the expectations of both parties are in conflict, the university policies and federal restrictions that universities granting IP rights must consider. This workshop focuses on the many challenges facing research administrators who manage intellectual property, negotiate private industrial research agreements, and state and federal awards.
Speakers: Gregory Slack, Clarkson University; George McGuire, Bond, Schoeneck & King