Are Office Dress Codes a Thing of the Past?

August 7, 2024

By: Lance D. Willoughby-Hudson

In this week’s Business in 2024 webinar, Bond labor and employment attorney Lance D. Willoughby-Hudson talked about the current state of dress code policies in a post-pandemic workplace. When reviewing and perhaps updating their policies, employers should check local, state and federal laws for any changes, particularly as they apply to certain protected classes (e.g., race, religion, gender identity and expression, height, weight, etc.).

The full webinar covered the following topics:

  • Revolutionary Settlement Proposal Set to Transform College Athletics
  • Safety Reforms Adopted and Cell Phone Ban Considered for New York Schools
  • New Title IX Guidance: What Are the Implications for Institutions of Higher Education?
  • Dress Codes: A Thing of the Past in the Workplace?

Click here to view the webinar in its entirety, download the presentation slides or to register for upcoming Tuesday presentations.