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Employers with Employees in NYC Must Distribute Updated Earned Sick and Safe Time Notice Today

October 30, 2020

By: Kerry W. Langan and Theresa E. Rusnak

On September 30, 2020, New York City’s amendments to the Earned Sick and Safe Time Act (ESSTA) became effective. The revisions changed ESSTA to be consistent with the New York Paid Sick Leave Law, and also added other requirements for employers. More information regarding the scope of these changes and their impact on employers can be found in our prior blog post.

The revised ESSTA requires employers to distribute to all new employees, at their time of hire, an updated Notice of Employee Rights: Safe and Sick Leave (the Updated Notice). The revised law also mandates that employers provide this Updated Notice to all current employees no later than 30 days following the effective date of the legislation, meaning that employers with employees in NYC must distribute the Updated Notice to these employees by today, October 30, 2020. Employers are also required to post this Updated Notice in the workplace in an area accessible to employees. 

Please note that the Updated Notice contains language which informs employees that their employers must provide them with an ESSTA policy. Employers who have not yet revised or distributed their sick leave policies for compliance with the ESSTA changes should so do as soon as possible. 

The update Notice can be found here.

Please contact Kerry Langan, Theresa Rusnak or the attorney at the firm with whom you are regularly in contact. 
