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Bond Launches Sexual and Other Harassment Training Program

July 9, 2019

By: Subhash Viswanathan

New York State has mandated that sexual harassment training be conducted for all employees, in an interactive manner, on an annual basis. The deadline for completing the training for the current year is October 9.

As one of the largest and most experienced labor and employment practices in New York, Bond has developed a turnkey approach to company-wide training. Bond offers two options, both in compliance with the State mandate.

Option One: Live Training

Our live training is traditional on-site training in which the content can be tailored to the employer’s business environment; employees can ask questions, as well as respond to hypotheticals posed by the presenting attorney; and train the trainer sessions can be held.  

Option Two: Web-Based Training

Bond’s new interactive web-based training is compliant with all New York State and New York City regulations on sexual harassment training. This program enables employees to learn the State’s new harassment policies in an engaging manner and will be updated as legislative and other significant legal developments occur. As mandated by the law, and to account for different levels of responsibility in the workplace, the program includes separate training for managers and supervisors.

Not only is there a training mandate by the state, but because New York is poised to eliminate the traditional "severe or pervasive" workplace harassment standard in favor of a much-expanded – and more easily met – definition, an increase in the number of viable workplace harassment lawsuits seems almost inevitable. Training your employees can help reduce unwanted and unlawful behavior, which may help employers avoid wasted time and unnecessary expense in defending against harassment claims.

To see a demo of the training as well as pricing, visit

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